
Our Totalitarian Sexual Culture

Our culture is an oppressive culture that submerges the reality of the act of sexual exchange of love between a man and woman into a subterranean darkness into which little light is allowed to shine. Fornication, co-habitation, denial of biological sex are not only accepted but denial of such actions and attitudinal perspectives is met with active oppression. All signs therefore point to a totalitarian sexual culture. The answer is in Jesus Christ who announces love, ready to see with compassion but not to approve. Aligning with Christ risks one’s life in todays’ culture yet is necessary for a truly Christian response.


Confusion and Doubt in the Church Henri de Lubac, noted theologian and one of Joseph Ratzinger’s most influential early thinkers, writing in 1945 at the end of WWII, at a time of great confusion and doubt in the Church and about the Church, said very simply: “The big task consists then in rediscovering Christianity in […]